Tuesday 25 January 2011

Dorthach vi mar han?

Ho hum.. I have finally given into the craze and created a blog. Pity me. Please do.

Anyhoo, this is mainly a place for me to record all my insane ramblings (AKA bitching about the world) and also my goal of reading 200 books in 2011. I should probably explain that I mean 200 different books. I know I easily read over 200 books a year but I'm an avid re-reader of books so I probably only actually read about 80 or 90 books in a year but I read them usually at least twice.

As for the name of the blog; dorthach vi mar han? means are you part of this world? The language is Sindarian which is one of Tolkien's Elvish languages. Oh yeah, I am completely bonkers about Tolkien BUT with being dyslexic and dyspraxic I find his writing style really hard to read. This means that despite 5 years of trying I have yet to completely read The Silmarillion. That is going to change this year. I am going to read it. I AM! In the list of 200 books I'm going to try to read at least 9 of my Tolkien books. I'm going to state this here: The Lord of the Rings is one book. ONE! It is NOT a trilogy. If you want to know why read the wikipedia page. :P

Anyhoo, that is all for now. *crawls back into Hobbit hole*

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